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Tag Archives: Marriage

Referral Chain

On April 26th I was filming Erica and Vincent’s wedding and at the party were 3 other couples whose wedding I filmed, all sitting at the same table. I called it “The referral” table. haha. Ashley and Kevin (married June 26th, 2004), Dana and Nick (married July 22nd, 2006), and Lauren and Fortunato (married November 11th, 2006). Ashley, as mentioned in a previous blog, has happily continued to refer us to everyone she knows getting married, including all of the above couples, since her wedding almost 4 years ago.

Once again it was great to see her and Kevin, and everyone else. I enjoy catching up. I always do the survey and ask if they still watch the video. Ashley and Kevin who are approaching their 4 year anniversary (Congratulations guys!!) say they still pop it in from time to time. Dana and Nick said they show it to everyone that comes over, and Lauren and Fortunato are also happy to share it with friends and family. Check out some video stills from each of their weddings below.

Ashley and Kevin – June 26th. 2004 (Thanks for all the recommendations!!)

Dana and Nick – July 22nd, 2006

Lauren and Fortunato – November 11th. 2006

If you’re looking for NJ Wedding Videographers check out our website at